Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
This is the third book I've read by Gladwell (I've also read the Tipping Point and Outliers) and I have yet to be disappointed.
Blink is about our subconscious. Why we have immediate reactions, i.e. love at first sight, and what goes on in our mind when we have these reactions. Gladwell goes on to explain how we can alter this 'rapid cognition' although it will involve a ton of self disciplined education.
He explains how we tend to want to know as much information as possible when it comes to a decision. Wrong. Stick with the important facts and ignore the indirect stuff because that will just cloud our judgement.
I'm an indecisive person. Gladwell might have just helped me a little bit.
Less is more. Our immediate judgement on things are right more often then not so go with it. I'm down.
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